Inspiring Focus and Emotional Intelligence in Students: For School Teachers

by | Jul 21, 2023 | Mindfulness Activities

Mindfulness Activities for School Teachers: Inspiring Focus and Emotional Intelligence in Students


As an experienced educator, you understand the importance of nurturing emotional intelligence and self-awareness in your students. Incorporating mindfulness activities into your student-engagement routine can bring numerous benefits, including enhanced focus, positivity, and emotional intelligence.

In this blog post, we will explore some captivating mindfulness activities that are perfect for school teachers looking to inspire their students.

1) Morning Mindful Moments:

Start each day with a moment of stillness by practicing deep breathing exercises or guided visualization techniques. This simple activity helps calm the mind and create a positive atmosphere before diving into academics.

2) Gratitude Practice:

Encourage gratitude through daily reflection journals where students write down things they are grateful for. Alternatively, start group discussions during which everyone shares something positive about their day or expresses appreciation towards someone else.

3) Five Senses Breaks:

Take short breaks throughout the day to engage all five senses through mindful exercises like

-observing nature outside the classroom window (sight),
-listening to soothing music (hearing),
-eating a small piece of fruit mindfully (taste & touch), or
-smelling calming essential oils on cotton balls (smell).

4) Mindful Movement:

– Yoga Sessions: Integrate yoga poses specifically designed for children’s flexibility levels as part of physical education classes.
– Stretching Breaks: Take mini stretching breaks between lessons or long periods of sitting to rejuvenate both body and mind.
– Walking Meditation Walk together around campus while emphasizing paying attention solely on walking movements – feeling feet touching ground; contact with different surfaces underneath etc..

5.) Loving-kindness Meditation

Teach loving-kindness meditation technique where participants extend well-wishes toward themselves as well others by reciting affirmations such

‘May I be happy,’ May my friends spread joy.’’